
What is Chapterize?

Chapterize is an AI-powered Summaries Tool that summaries books, videos, and articles. It helps users save time by quickly understanding key points without having to go through all the details.

It is designed to simplify the process of digesting large amounts of information by creating concise summaries of long-form content such as books, academic papers, videos, and articles. It uses advanced AI algorithms to extract the core message from the material, condensing it into bite-sized summaries that retain the most essential insights without the unnecessary details.

Additionally, Chapterize features a chatbot integration that allows users to interact with the summarized content by asking questions to get deeper insights or clarifications. It offers customization through the use of the user’s OpenAI API key.

How to Use Chapterize

  1. Create an account: Start by signing up and linking your OpenAI API key.

  2. Upload content: Add your document, video, or article.

  3. Generate a summary: Let the AI do its magic by summarizing the content.

  4. Organize: Save and organize your summaries in your library.

  5. Export: Download summaries in markdown format or export them directly to Kindle.


  • Summarize various content types: Books, articles, videos, etc.

  • Cloud storage: Keep summaries organized and accessible from anywhere.

  • Export options: Easily export summaries to Markdown or Kindle.

  • Chatbot assistance: Ask questions about the summaries and get instant answers.

  • Customization with OpenAI: Users can link their own OpenAI API key for personalized use.

Use Cases

  • Students: Simplify academic research papers or textbooks for faster understanding.

  • Content creators: Extract main points from videos or articles for quick content production.

  • Professionals: Summarize long reports or business documents for efficient decision-making.

  • Readers: Get key takeaways from books without investing hours in reading.


Lifetime Plan: $59 (one-time fee)

Includes unlimited summaries.

Export to Markdown and Kindle.

Requires OpenAI API key for functionality.


Chapterize is a versatile tool that takes the hassle out of processing long content. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone who loves reading, it helps you digest information faster, saving valuable time.

Its affordable lifetime plan and ease of use make it a great addition for anyone needing quick summaries.

Chapterize AI powered summaries tool

Chapterize is an AI tool that quickly summarizes books, videos, and articles, offering time-saving insights. Features include cloud storage, export options.

Price: 59

Price Currency: Dollar

Application Category: summaries

Editor's Rating:


  • Time-efficient content summarization.
  • Simple lifetime membership pricing.
  • Useful for various content types (books, videos, articles).
  • Cloud storage for easy access to summaries.
  • Export options (Markdown and Kindle).


  • Requires an OpenAI API key to use.
  • Can sometimes lose context in summaries.
  • No mobile app is available.
  • Struggles with complex or nuanced language.
  • Lacks free tier or trial period.
Vishal Nyol

Vishal Nyol

I'm Vishal Nyol, hailing from Nokha, Bikaner, India. As a BSc student with a passion for gaming, I dreamed of becoming a professional gamer at 18. This passion led me to YouTube, where I started experimenting with AI tools and techniques. In 2020, I launched my first website, MAT. Although it didn’t succeed, it taught me valuable lessons in SEO and digital marketing.

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